Aníbal Acosta
9th Annual Bach Fest
Acosta, Walsh & Migliozzi Chandler Hall
2011 CD Launch Concert
Rita Addico-Cohen
Karen Hoy Studio
Lee Jordan-Anders
Soul of the Piano In A
Images of Women in Art and Music
Trio with Phelps & Aguirre
with Pavel Ilyashov
Laurie Baefsky
Beverly Kane Baker
Beverly Kane Baker & Friends
Songs of Soul and Spirit
Dianne Barton & Eduardo Castro
Denise Battle
Bonnie Lambert-Baxter
Lorraine Bell
Art Songs and Spiritualsby African American Composers
Davis Memorial Scholarship Concert
Faculty Recital Memorial Chapel
Women Composers Recital
with York River Symphony Orchestra
A Vocal Delight
Tribute to Dorothy Maynor
Julia Brogdon
Jeffrey Brown
Franck with NCC
Lisa Edwards-Burrs
The Roots and Flowers of African American Song
Richmond Recital
Concert in Black & White
Jennifer Carnahan & Jennifer Barker
Barbara Chapman & Debra Wendells Cross
Anthony Colosimo
Lisa Relaford Coston
Bachfest with Agnes Mobley-Wynne
Broadway Recital
Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda
Mendelssohn, Schumann, Carpenter, Bolcom, Rossini
with Cantata Chorus
How Can We Keep From Singing? A Concert in Black and White
Coston and Debussy
with CREO (10 concerts)
Four Note Opera
with Holland and Woodward
Bolcom Cabaret Songs with NCC
Bach & the 20th Century - NCC:
with NCC: Kevin Bobo
with NCC: Rachmaninoff & Schumann
with NCC: Messiaen
Schubertiade - NCC
with Oksana Lutsyshyn 2002
Still Alive
American Delights
Home, Sweet Home
with Allen Shaffer
Abraham & Isaac and Mass for Pentecost
Duruflé Requiem
with Virginia Chorale
with Billye Brown Youmans
Lisa Relaford Coston Explores Debussy:
An Affair of the Heart - Hers and Mine
Memorial Concert
George Corbett
with Thomas Marshall
Robert Crutchfield & Will Crutchfield
Ann Cyptar & Patricia Ricciarelli
Michael Dailey
Four Note Opera
Ann Scott Davis
Music for Mothers Day
VWC Recital
ODU Opera Workshop Cosi
Senior Recital
Royzell Dillard
John S. Dixon
All Though the Night
Sacred Seasons
Prière, An American Christmas
Gabriel's Message
Jason Dungee
F. Gerard Errante
50th Anniversary Concert
with D. Gause - NCC
Jeffrey Easter
Three Tidewater Tenors (w/Shoup & Oliver)
Charlotte Elia
Hugo Wolf
German Lieder
Mostly American Recital
Elia & Reinburg
My Next Mistake
Brendon Elliott
Tod Fitzpatrick
Gaines Theater, 2002
with Rebecca Sherburn
Marlene Ford & Jeanette Winsor
Lauren Fowler
Sondra Gelb
Recital 2004
Simply Sondheim
Marques Garrett
Ricky Goodwyn, Jr.
Peter Greydanus
Schubertiade - NCC
Amanda Halstead
NCC Cabaret Classics
Erin Hanon
Jeraldine Herbison
Glenn Hersch
2003 Prince of Peace
2005 Prince of Peace
2007 Prince of Peace
Elizabeth Hogue
Four Note Opera
Rachel Holland
2008 Recital
with Coston and Woodward
Schumannia with Sadlier & Sadlier
Karen Scott Hoy
Music for Mothers Day
Emily Dickinson
Métamorphoses Melodieuses
French Art Song Workshop
Karen Hoy Studio
Love Lost and Found, Liederabend, Melodie at Larchmont
Mendelssohn & Four Sopranos
Music of Libby Larsen for Duffy Institute
American Songs for Duffy Institute La Serenissima
Singing and Communicating in English
Pavel Ilyashov
GSA Orchestra
Schubertiade - NCC
& Greydanus in Dvorák & Sheng with NCC VWC Recital with Lee Jordan-Anders
Eun Kyong Jarrell
Nicole Jenkins
Karen Hoy Studio
Kerry Jennings
Songs of Benjamin Britten with Michelle Rice & Chuck Woodward
Song for Achilles
Home, Sweet Home
Britten Abraham & Isaac NCC
with NCC: Bach & 20th Century
Asdis Jonsdottir
Andrey Kasparov
Andrey Kasparov & New Music
with Symphonicity
Kasparov & Lutsyshyn
Mendelssohn with Symphonicity
Imperial Russia
Todi Invencia Concert
Invencia: Music of the Civil War Britten's Introduction and Rondo alla burlesca NCC
Fantasia Contrappuntistica - NCC
Florent Schmitt Trois Rapsodies Polonaise - NCC
Steve Kelley
with Elizabeth Hogue - Mozart & The Soldier's Tale at NCC
with NCC Bachfest II
with NCC: Bach & 20th Century
Bonnie Kim
Recital Prince of Peace
Schubertiade - NCC
David Kunkel
Dale Lazar
Oksana Lutsyshyn
Shostakovich with Symphonicity
with Norfolk Chamber Consort
with Creo
Victoria Magnusson, Lisa Hogan, Michael Regan
Laura Martier
with NCC
Charlene Marchant
Kimberly Markham
Thomas Marshall
with George Corbett
with Allen Shaffer The Art of Transcription NCC
Shelia Maye
Heather McLewin
Genevieve McGiffert
Cary Michaels
Shelly Milam
Karen Hoy Studio
Christopher Mooney
Broadway Melodies with NCC
Vienna Dreams - Broadway Lights with ASoW
Home, Sweet Home - VWC
Jewish-American - NCC
Schubertiade - NCC
Albert Herring
Rich Moriarty
Carolyn Green Myers
Timothy Oliver
Gigi Paddock The Belle of Amherst Revisited
Heart to Heart: Wolf's Italian Song Book
Home, Sweet Home
Concert in Black & White
Vienna Dreams - Broadway Lights
Jeffrey Phelps with Lee Jordan-Anders
Jason Paul Peterson
Ghent United Methodist
Old Dominion University
Joanne Robinson
Kelly Samarzea
GUMC Recital with Jason Paul Peterson
Stpehen Coxe and Friends
Patricia Saunders-Nixon
Recital 2004
Spirituals Recital 2005
Let My People Go
The Art Songs of Harry T. Burleigh: A Forgotten Repertory
Music by Hailstork, Burleigh, Adams, Bonds, Hogan, King & Work
Crowns & Spirituals at Virginia Wesleyan
Allen Shaffer
Mozart - Christ & St. Luke's
with Tom Marshall: The Art of Transcription NCC
Farewell Concert 2012
Farewell Concert 2022
Adriane Shelton
Robert Shoup
Regina South
Johnathan Spence
Charles Stanton
Duruflé Requiem
Recital at GUMC
ODU Opera Workshop
Emily Stauch
Prince of Peace 2004
La Belle Epoque
Schubert & Mozart
Poèms d'Amour
Sing for Joy with Walter Swan
Bach @ the Beach/Bach on the Bay
Sophia Subero
Walter Swan
Four Note Opera
Sing for Joy with Emily Stauch
8th Annual Bach Fest
Shirley Thompson
Lieder Workshop
Tracey Welborn
Scott & Amy Cofield Williamson
Churchland Baptist Concert
Songs of the Soul
Barcelona - Company NCC
Amy Cofield Williamson
Four Last Songs with Symphonicity
Schubertiade - NCC
Brettl Lieder - NCC
Scott Williamson
Schubertiade - NCC
Cabaret Classics - NCC
Glenn Winters
Katie Luther
Claudia Wooten
Charles Woodward
Lessons and Carols
25th Anniversary Celebration at Ohef Sholom
Wonderful Wedesdays
Agnes Mobley Wynne
Bachfest with Lisa Relaford Coston
Bach at Prince of Peace 2005
American & British Song Workshop
Ventriloquist Acts of God
Faculty Recitals:
2004, 2006, 2008
Brown Youmans
Sacred Seasons
Handel Concert
Sacred Waters
with Lisa Relaford Coston
Bach & the 20th Century - NCC
Liszt Songs with NCC Nature the Gentlest Mother
Poulenc Gloria
Tell Me the Truth About Love
Songs of the Avergne |